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Why are more canadians choosing to move away? 🤔

Why are more canadians choosing to move away? 🤔 - MirrorLog

Did you know that many Canadians are packing their bags and moving to a new place? The number has been going up each year. In 2022, a big number of 49,769 people decided to leave the country.

Canada is known for its beautiful places and friendly people from all around the world. It's a country where many people have found new chances to have a good life. But recently, more people are saying goodbye to Canada. Why is this happening?

The high cost of living in Canada

Even though Canada is a great place to live, it is also very expensive. People have to pay a lot of money for houses, food, and even to talk on the phone or use the internet. In big cities like Toronto and Vancouver, buying a house has become a dream that is too hard to reach for many people.

The cost of renting a house in these cities can be more than $2,000 each month. That is a lot of money! Because of this, some people are choosing to move to smaller towns in Canada where things are a bit cheaper. But others are leaving Canada to find a home in a different country.

Everyday items are getting pricier

Aside from expensive houses, the price of everyday things like food is going up. This is because of many problems like changes in the weather, troubles in getting goods from one place to another, and the sickness that spread around the world, known as COVID-19.

Because of all these reasons, people are finding it hard to save money for their future. They worry about not having enough to enjoy life and do well in their jobs.

Do you know any other reason why people are leaving the country? What can be done to help people stay in Canada? 

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