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How to Get Over Being Indecisive

How to Get Over Being Indecisive - MirrorLog

Fear of making the wrong decision is one of the reasons why many people hesitate when faced with a choice. You may be afraid of failure or even the consequences of success. You may worry what other people will think about you. Perfectionism may be getting in your way.

Often, people struggle to make choices because they don't believe in their ability to think for themselves, they believe other people are more capable of making the ''right'' choice for them. When this is the case, they pawn off small and major decisions to others so they can feel more confident in their decisions.

Life is all about choices. Tomorrow morning, will you order a latte or a flat white? Our days are full of forks in the road, and the decision can quickly pile up, compounding any feeling of stress and anxiety into an insurmountable wall of paralyzing indecisiveness.

Here are some strategies to make it easier

*Set realistic decision making deadline: An easy way to force yourself to come to a decision is to set a deadline on any choice you face.

*Always try to narrow your options down to two: If there are fewer options, your decision can become clearer. This tactic comes in handy when you're attempting to choose one from a pool of many.

*Stop worrying about others: If you're indecisive, there's typically a fear of making the wrong decision, feeling responsible especially when other people are involved. The next time you're working your way through a difficult decision that could affect others, like quitting your job- just remember that this is a decision that you must come to on your own.

*Don't overthink the outcome: When it comes to the deeper aspects of your life, don't try to overthink the outcome of your decision. It's easier to get caught in the spiral of what could go wrong, but at the end of the day, you don't have total control over situations or other people.

*Do the research: Though you shouldn't waste too much time wavering on every little decision in your life, you should at least do your homework o ensure that you know, with some degree of accuracy, how each component of the decision will affect your short term and long- term goals.

* Protect your mind against self-doubt: Though you may know that you're good enough to succeed in the end, any doubts and insecurities laying dormant in your brains are sure to spring into action the moment you're about to make a big decision. When this inevitably happens, be sure to work through your internal conflicts before making your decision.

*Ask yourself these few questions: It's likely that you agonize over the opinions of others and how the decision will affect the rest of your life- and that's completely normal. To ease any anxiety as a result of indecisiveness, ask yourself-- What are the potential consequences I'm most afraid of?--- What is the worst thing that could happen?--- What is the best possible outcome?. 

*Trust your gut: Your gut has gotten you this far, so listen to it. Indecisiveness is often due to the tolerance of uncertainty, and having too many options. It's important to practice getting better at quickly narrowing down options by remaining clear on the priorities and relying a little bit on your gut.

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